
Blog for a work research - 17 days: Yes, you can

Here is the real start for my 3 weeks daily post challenge in view of the Job-Blog Contest of the summer!

This is an opportunity to take a review on my status. Yes, of course, I entered this contest cause I have a blog... cause I'm looking for a job !

First I passed a 5 years degree in Industrial Design after which I worked into firms and as freelance.

But quickly I was tired of working for wholesalers and not for the end user.
Except in specific areas (like transport) you do not look after the end user because it cost (sociological ergonomical and others studies need time... so money), and it's too expensive for a project which have to interest these who would buy to resale it to the mass-public. So we just have to follow the marketing department of these major distributors. Marketing department which never meet customers more than through pre-paid external studies.
There are cases on which we can play an ''user-centered'' added value when we have to respond a call for proposal and we must place our proposal as the best in competition. Finally these projetcs are those we talk the most but it's a minority from the subjects of the year. Exactly like the holidays: we always re-speak about good times, and with time, we can forget all the bad ones.

That is why I went to urban design where attention to the users is direct and important.
A professional survey leads me to a professional universitarian master. The idea was to not be on bad beast more creating street furniture (which could seem logical for a designer) but to help local authorities in the wild wide plethora of choices (not always in line with their needs).

I thought I was in the good direction after my firts missions. Except that I made it in 2008 so I lived the crisis in live! A project I started was attend to continue for years but has been stopped when all private investors gone away, all at once...
And since I'm not busy at all! I did not work a lot in 2009, 2010 was better but not enough, and 2011 looked promissins before the planned projects were canceled or delayed or deferred.
That is why I started looking for a salaried job.

Curriculum, responses to jobs, unsolicited applications, call for projects, and soon. For now, it's not conclusive, I still have had interviews but no one has been extended a job for now.

As a job seeker I took a tool I used since 2005: the weblog. This mini-site offers more visibility than a paper curriculum send to some firms. That's why I created a curriculum-blog, which includes all the usual sections directly to the right menu: work experiences, schools, specifi kills...

And why not, I have a French one and this English one!

I'm surprised that the English one is more visited thant the French one. I think my write are better in my native language than in English, a language that I used poor and poor to negociate with Chinese factories (who are pleased to not understand a 5-words sentence just to save more time before to respond to your asks).

The Job-Blog Contest is a way to optimize the efficiency of this blog.
The contest do not let me more visitors than usual but maybe I could be in the final selection and it could increase my chances!
So do not forget to vote for me (clicking the picture below, of course):


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