
Project 52 - 09/52: Ice jewels

My first unspiration was about electing campaigns, as the half-population in the world will change of political responsables in the year. Finally, seeing Senegalese and Russian elections, I thought that international politic will back in a cold period (Hollywood's cliffhanger Bro').

Okay, no, in fact my idea was so powerful that it would be dramatic just illustrate it but the modelling materials are too expensive so I'll show it in a few weeks, don't worry.
So today comes a reactualized project for Design 21, the UNESCO's organism about social design.

This was a campaign against global warning and now it's a jewelry collection...
Yes, yes, ice jewels!
You know, often diamonds are used for an event before to stay stored behind a window, and considering the price of drinking water in a few years I really think that only Paris Hilton and others Salma Hayek will can wear it (yo, bro', seen the idea with Paris Fashion Week start?)!!


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