
Schooling goes worst and worst...

I know this sounds like an old chap' sentence but this is really what I feel with my students. Let me explain.

I start the school year by asking cultural questions to my new students to know who they are: last book (even a comic or a manga), last movie (not a TV show), last exhibition... This is about the BORGUESE culture and oftenly I have no answer to a lot of these questions. Even the books they should have read during school have been quitted and reading when you are a child seems a CSP+


Then I ask some questions about populare culture: their favorite musician, their favorite sport personality (e-sports are accepted) and their hobbies (even if it's video gaming, TikTok scrolling or night-Snapping).

And this year I've been surprised how many of them had no answer! This is a proof we are in an growing acculturation and it dosen't seem to be a problem for anyone.

I think this is beyond what school can do: most of our children have been educated by screens. Even at primary school they have a smartphone... For what? They have no one to call! They have no survey to search on the web! They are just consumming pictures and most of those are not well intentioned.

There is no more thought.

And that's problematic because some activities are used to develop neuronal connections but they are no more fashionable so our children are less able to think.

When I can see this the worst is in my actual pedagogical sequence about profesional graphic identity. You know: create a logo. So you need to draw letters so we start by a typographic analysis.

Here are 15 typos and the first question is to identify the 3 scripts.

Everyone can't know what script means so I tell them vocabulary: script, linotyp, computing. Simple way to say that: script is when you write by hand.

Most of the students quit when they have to search for the answer of a question...

Most of the ones who answer choose typos used in computing!

This is the kind of letters they see every time everywhere.

Who still write postal cards?

So I had to remember them when they were practicizing writing lines in primary school because now they are writing like a screen.

There is a lot to say about screens at school, I've read some neuro-sciences surveys, I won't tell too much.

My fear is I don't know how to speak with these children with 10 seconds attention, without cognition basis before asking complex problematics I have to introduce in lessons, and who have not enough cultural basis?


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