
Do you know Corbu ?

I'm in Saint-Etienne (42, France) for the user-centered laboratory experiment.That's why I'm living here since last week in what could become the first top level place for design in France !
I'm living in, yes, I'm sleeping inside. Who have seen it before ?

The first idea when you come in the room is "wow it seems to be Le Corbusier's". Second idea is "but this corridor -oops, sorry, this is yet the bedroom- is bad soundproofed it sounds like a chapel".

After you will se the errors. When the architect become an artist-who-will-let-his-hand-on more than an expert in living in you just loos funcionality (on of Le Corbusier's base of work, isn't it ?) :

_ at the top of the staircase you can put off the bottom-light and put on the mezzanine-light. You walk throught the mezzanine, you come in the bed and you don't see how to put off this big light ?
So you have to put on the bed-light, to come back throught the bed, to re-walk throught the mezzanine to put off the mezzanine-light, and you re-re-walk throught the mezzanine and throught the bed to put off the bed-light to sleep.

Or maybe you play a risky-business walking throught the mezzanine throught the night (and maybe you will hurt yourself in the box around the bed).

_ how can you clean the room ? How can you change the bed ? How could I take my pen fallen beetwen the bed and the box ?… There is nothing about using, there is only a nice draw !

_ 1,8x6x4,2m… but only 1,94 in the bathroom. Good point, your hair will be fast-dried with the spotlight (bad point I can not take my shower up).

_ not too much furniture : just a desk with his chair. No coat-rack, no shelf, no cupboard, neither a small tablet under the mirror for a toothbrush.

This is just a "Le Corbusier's aesthetic like unit" and I'm thinking about comparing it with a real Le Corbusier's church (near to Saint-Etienne) !

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