
It's Friiiday!!

You know that my allocation for unemployment have been suspended (yes, I'm still searching for a "real" job even if I accept freelance missions in waiting for this job).After the post mail announcing it I've received this e-mail:

It seems to be inofensive but I've send the asked papers, a counsellor has phoned me, but what about this adress?

The familial allocations are regularly hacked (like false e-mail asking for bank accoumpt for example) but this one is more surprising as it's linked to the real website…
After the Gmail hacking of last friday (see after) I'm really worried about the administrative security on the Internet so I will walk more than e-mail all my administratives procedure (so I'm not going to pay my taxes on the websites).

See "my" e-mail :

Some things you have to know if you receive this kind of e-mail from me :
1- I WILL NEVER SEND a telegraphic e-mail, I will always write something to add a relationship on an Internet network, so I let you imagine how a commercial ad from my part would be argued;

2- I WILL NEVER SEND with visible adresses (personal + profesional) for people who don't know each others;

3- I WILL NEVER SEND a simple english text to frenchreaders (or with the english version + the french version), therefore this blog is just an english version of the french original one;

4- I WILL NEVER SEND a automatical download: I will always write the link to let the reader free to download or not.

And now, the alert from Google to prevent (a week later not fast at Mountain View… happily some adresses weren't good so I've seen this spam seeing the error alerts) :


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