
Too sexy, too fat

In France you can not (theoricaly) refuse to employ someone because of his body appearance… and I'm happy of it.Even for some jobs it's necessary to be "pretty" :

In USA, 2 recents cases have shown how this law is an employees' protection (and how grotesque could be the profesional world when it doesn't exist).

First example is the 20 years old Cassandra Smith:

-personal photo from Cassandra Smith-

She has been reminded by her manager in the Hooter's restaurant (famous for its sexy barmaids) of Roseville (Michigan) that her mini-shorts is not enough good for her 132 pounds for 5,8 feet!
She could be fired for this!

Well, on this video, she seems to be overweight and it could be annoying in a job for which physical appearance is a commercial argument. But I like more the irony to see that Rob Rice, her manager, is obese!

-personal photo from Cassandra Smith-

Our second exemple: Debralee Lorenzana have to suffer the opposite: dismissed because she's too sexy!

-photo : Saswat Pattanayak-

Sh'es a thirty-three year old mother… and her male colleagues in the New-York Citibank agency (yes, those who lost USD 1,6 billion last year) would be decentralized by her dresses (so she received a list of forbidden clothes like waisted suits or… polo neck sweaters).

-photo : Saswat Pattanayak-

What about the physical appearance in your work ?


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