And the result is not totally good: the artisitc part (music+movie) was good, the speak have interested everyone, but the number of people in the theater was not enough to pay the night. I though about a deficit but not so hard.
I think that idea was a good one, but the advertising has been in-sufficient. I have to performe this for next years projects.

The second project will take place on Sunday as a show for which we work with a profesional actor.
All advertising disorders have not disappeared in a week, so there is a fear about another empty room.
The entrance costs 3€ for adults only, but we pay for an actor (plus the room, the musical rights...) so we know we'll lose money. The committee had validated this like that, as these projects are synonymous of opening and restarting the band (only one concert in two last years... in a 60 places room).
Finally, just to organize concerts and play in other structures organizations is positive! It's a takeover the musicians appreciate, so do the audience.
I have now 18 musicians, not all adherents to the association (they are my reinforcements), the recruitment has improved the musical quality.
The communication I made allowed us to be invited to play for a school carnival ans our first success (well, relative, but real) give us the opportunity to play in the disctrict party where a lot of people will see us (and some of them are musicians or concert organizers!).
I just need a rating success to comforte myself (and my choices), and may I feel satisfied with the progresses since November.
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