

We have seen a lot of food trucks based on Estafette.
I have to say that is a good idea: a van you can move, small so easy to park, and you can work in a dry room (but it's still cold).

So I'm introducing today another way to see this concept: a counter made from an Estafette!
Yes, you bring a van INSIDE YOUR RESTAURANT to serve people!
Why not? I mean, you can use it outside on the public places when the sun is rising and keep it in a warm space during the wintertime!

We can see this kind of idea in shops and here is a second hand market (hunappily I don't remember where it is) with 2 of these: a van body for a room for special exhibitions and the back of a cutted van for counter.

And  the last one is my favorite!
Firstly because I've seen it when I was in Nantes a few years ago. Secondly because they use the Estafette as their logo AND their counter!

That's a skate shop and of course they made goodies, including boards.
I wanted to buy one for fun but these are real boards so the price is the price of a good quality board and it was too expensive for me. Even during celarance sales it was still 60€, still too much just for fun.

I've not even dared to ask anyone to paid it for me as a gift.

I've not even dared to talk with the owner, I konw I'm weak.

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