I like the statements so here is one! Firstly that was a big challenge. And I'm proud I've made it til the end.
Then I thought I would wrote everything a long time in advance and I'ld be relax all the year but I was so wrong! That has been a lot of work to keep it running in time, and even at my best I needed to take time twice a month to write it!
Another error is that I have a book about Estafette with a lot of pictures I was thinking to use. But this book is in a cardboard somewhere at my parents house since I've moved away from my house in January of 2018, waiting for a new sweet home I still don't have. So some pictures I didn't found on the Internet were missing.
Secondly I was counting on this year edition to realize some personal projects (related to Estafette) I have in my head for a long time. So I could sell them online. But I didn't found time to make these happen. So there are not in this blog posts, but I'm still hoping to make it real on day.
Thirdly, because of both of the first points, I had to reschedule a few times in emergency to publish a post in time. Consequently some posts could have been groupped in one. That would have been more logical, and I would have had more blanks I could have use for other amazing models I didn't wrote about.
This has not made more people to read my blog, not even the people who were reading it when it was only about design. But hey, that has been an actuality during a few months, even if I hadn't a lot to tell you this year.
I now hope to find myself a new life, with new professional news I will be happy to write here. For no one as I'm certainly the main reader of my own blog...
Hey, hi myself from the future, how you doin'?
Happy new year every one, including myself (and myself from future!).
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