
Music Feast

Yesterday was the Feast of Music and like all June 21th we can say that music wasn't in the feast...

As a musician I should be happy in the feast of musicians.
Sorry, but as the May 1st is the feast of workers, so workers don't work, amateurs are less and less in the June 21th.

First, the public. It has changer in recent years and now ''having fun'' = getting drunk as fast as possible with as many mixtures as possible (this is a drama in the summer festivals where people comme ''to have fun'' without maners for concerts). Atmosphere suffers directly (okay, I'm getting old: I give in ''the old good time'').
More of that is what you heard in the city? A few loving music in front of some cool bars with an interest for culture, and everywhere else the sounds systems with commercial s... just to attract more ''funnyests'' at the beer dispenser.
I admit that this case is more in big urban centers thant in smaller cities where festivals are still insitutional and so continues in a right mood. In my view the boom-boom surviving all night have more legitimacy when they succed concerts (so it offer a other music) than when it commes after others boom-boom offered all day (so in the same style as others).

Finally we find the same shame in the medias. The radio I listen told me about it all the day, and I take a look on the TV program (and I never look at the TV):

TF1Dr House + a magazine about emergencies;

France 2Taratata (a music program in prime time, it becomes rare... even it wasn't about amateur music as we could see it on this french TV a few years ago and listen it on french national radio still in 2010);

France 3 – a movie about old Moreau, Marielle an Rich (you see the market target) and an american thriller (not a piece of singers from after war or a waltz-musette, poor France);

France 4Flashdance + Turn the beat around (music vs dance?);

Canal + - Becker's La tête en friche with Casadesus et Depardieu (not a musical movie) + a documentary about the Doors (yeah, music);

France 5 – documentaries about Vatican and India;

Arte – documentary about torture and NATO;

M6X Factor (I don't know if it could be considering like music, but they are amateurs) and a best of juries from emissions of the station;

Direct 8Salsa (a French pianist pretends to be a Cuban one) + a Poelvoorde comic movie;

France Ô – a program about music in Caribbeans + 9 music bands from overseas french territories playing at the La Rochelle's 2010 Francofolies (french songs festival);

NRJ Paris – Lady Gaga in concert (music, then).

So there was not much music in the litte box...
And the worst is that Taratata and X Factor have collected less than 2 millions viewers each, facing the lame doctor (7,5 millions) and the old trio (3,3 millions). Really nothing to encourage programmers.

Oh, and I heard all day that it was the 30th birthday of this feast. But no, it was born in 1982 so 2011 was the 30th edition (as 1982 was the 1st edition) but its 30th anniversary would take place in 2012.


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