

The Asylum is a movie producer... B series movies as they've done Titanic II (yes, after sinking the ship is still sailing, be afraid, wuhu), Alien vs. Hunter, Snakes on a train, and soon.
They're known as they beating blockbusters. For example, Micheal Bay and Paramount have announced their adaptation for Transformers monthes before the first capture. So there were teasers when no image of the movie had been shot!

The Asylum took the opportunity to make a movie on the war from robots against humans: Transmorphers!

This is an excellent example from asylumist productions: screenplay, directing, acting, shooting, 3D, editing, everything is bad. But there is such a desire (and so many illusions to great movies like The Terminator and The Matrix) that this could be amazing to watch (after a late party).
In fact, there are so much endless corridors-conversations (you have no budget so you spend as less as possible on 3D so you spend as much time as possible on what costs nothing) squares the enthusiasm you had in front of your screen.

Sorry for the long introduction. I wanted to talk about a movie that my car-enthusiast eyes could love: 200 MPH!

A Fast & Furious – like with illegal car races (sure you have to pay to close streets so we would have enough with an industrial area... as you have to pay the drivers... or maybe not as they could have played for free to appear in a film), a big garage chief, his Chicana girlfriend in white top (practical for mechanics), and the pretty girl who ask th good boy to run for avenge her...

See this moment, he's forced to run for revenge, so he come to garage and see the project from the team:

Hard for a designer seeing children's drawing for a professional customization... especially when you see The Fast & The Furious which brought the improbable to a really pro view:

Well, it's Hollywood, but what about IRL?

Please, asking a student to draw 5 sketches wouldn't be expensive and it would have done a credit because customize a car body with designs that not seems to be the body must be obvious...
It's not hard to ask for some good draws :

Hey, they also handed this:

Same principle: mistake people who want to see the last movie-to-see, and benefit from media coverage for the real blockbuster!

And as the 3rd Transformers is launched today I have to say that they managed to make a second Transmorphers (with a little bit more money):


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