
No more buzz!!

Alain Joyandet (French secretary of State for cooperation and francophony) has delivered awards for Francomot contest (it sounds good).

The object was to exchange 5 news english words into french words : "chat" ; "talk" ; "tuning" ; "buzz" ; "newsletter".

Choosen proposal are "éblabla" ou "tchatche" ; "débat" ; "bolidage" ; "ramdam" ; "infolettre".

I dont know the effect in english, but some ideas were wery funny in french, so I'm trying to put it in english ("claverbiage" [keyverbalization], "convel" [e-conversation], "toilogue" [net-logue] ; "mummy talk" -with a cup of tea?-, "chitchat", "échapar" -?-, "débadidé" [discussideas], "débatel" [discussesion], "débafusion" [discufusion] ; "autodéco", "persoptimisation" [persoptimization], "revoiturage" [re-sharing] ; "actuphène" -so nice-, "bruip", "échoweb", "ibang", "réseaunance" [resonet -like a communication pool branding- ; "niouzlettre", "plinfo", "jourriel", "journiel"…).

I have to say that the law from Ministery of culture Jacques Toubon (1994) offers "stylicien" [stylicist] for "designer" and "stylique" for "design". You know that english "design" coulb be a son of the french "dessein" (it self from italian Rinscimento "disegno") !

For these words we have yet "clavardage" from french language office of Québec ; "émission-débat" [litteraly "talk-show"] ; "personnalisation" ; and "bourdonnement" from french commission on terminology and neology.

And finally, "ramdam" is from "ramadan" and specially from the night at the end of this month without eating all the day. A big buzz!

So I'm no more worried about "buzzing", I'm now searching for a good "actuphène"!

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