
Follow the white rabbit

Last year I was able to predict the decline in the official numbers for "first category job-seekers" (the paving stones which did not work for a so long time than even the batteries of their alarm clock weren't able to work any more).

In fact, I noticed that befor these announcements there was some "bug" on the web server of ASSEDIC (unemployment payments). A bug as I was impossible to update my situation, so I was radiated from the ANPE (national employment agency).
Some others like me searching how to update profil at the very last moment (like after 4:30pm of the last day, when you could not join any more the phone server to make this operation).

 This month an announcement to save more money (for the benefit of the friends of government): the beneficiaries of RSA (revenue for active solidarity, the new french unemployments principal payment) would see their allocations falling no to slow down the powerful assistanat to the lifeblood of the financial crisis (bankers, investors, and soon).
So on my RSA is still suspended!

A post mail dated on May 03rd, loud and clear : RSA suspended because I did not send back enough rapidly my quarterly statement of payments…

… dated on April 26th…

Let's do mathemathics for a theorical post mail in Nantes (generally delivered in D+2 when it's a prioritary mail) :
- on April 26th mail preparation by CAF (office for social payments);
- on April 27th the mail is going from CAF;
- on April 29th the mail is arriving to me (on Thursday, we are in theory so let's imagine me performing this in the evening, purely theoretical eh);
- on April 30th my mail is going for CAF;
- Labour day on Mai 1st (so no treatment for mail);
- on May 03rd my mail is arriving to CAF (purely theory again: it is treated in the day)…

Even if I had been ultra-speed-effective to send back directly my statement it would have crosses in the pipes of the CAF the announcement of my suspension… not enough running in it, it was beforehand lost!

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