
Euphonium - 3 : The valves, the hammer and the penetrating liquid

New step in my gonzo search for a job around the restauration of my euphonium.
Here is a problem : there no "serious" post beetwen this one and the last "gonzo" one. I promise not to make it one more time!

First stage, easy: remove the slides.
Surprise everything come easily by firing (with a cloth for more strength) without difficulty (except the quite small one in which I cannot cross the cloth).

Now, let us pass in the most delicate: the valves. They are seized up and if I don't take them I could not play.
The fourth one comes rather easily after some practice.
The 3 others resist. I have a lot of difficulty undoing the 3rd ring of fixation and I do not manage with the ring of preservation of the same 3rd valve. This instrument seems not to have been well cleaned (notice I expected this)!

If you have doubt I thought on using penetrating oil (WD40, do you know better?) before firing above! Gracious advice if you make it at home: do not satisfy with a fast sponge blow in the bathtub, the small sticky carpet will be very unpleasant under the morning shower feet!

I asked help to fire but my assistant was neither a connoisseur nor a carefullor… result: a 3rd valve twisted!

It seems that you can help things going out from a tube typing above it (not too much not to twist either) to free it in descent.
Sometimes it works, there not.

Hurra! A soap-serial for my blog will become around these valves!

And I open the costs count:
_ tuba purchase: 40euros ;
_ penetrating liquid: 3.50euros.

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