
The come-back of the come-back

The mountains were a good trip and now I've to return in the hard reality: I've a first phase to deliver tomorrow!

The work is well advanced but I wasn't able to investigate all I wanted to because of this week in Savoy (not for tourism) which took me away from my usual tools, because of the minimal deadline, and because of a not-pleasant otitis (provoked by eczema but the treatment against the otitis could provok… eczema).

The pride of the day: for the second time this year my blog is performing into the Wikio's top 100 job-blogs!
I did not understood the classification criterias but I entered the top 100 in January, so maybe months starting in J- succeed in my statistics?

Right… 91th in January and 88th in June so I aim a top 70 place for July (and a top 20 one for 2011 January)!


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