
Tuba#7: 2 bumps heater

Sooo… I feel no good…
The euphonium is not reconditionned but I started it 4 monthes ago and I do not have another solution than the blowtorch!


Do not laugh it's the advice from professionals. More than this advice they also give me a part of their experience: the purpose of this game is to warm tubes (not too much not to melt the welds) and to pulverize penetrating oil.


The principle is to dilate metals heating them as the penetrating oil would be able to infiltrate between tubes and valves. Step by step the valves will free themselves, but step by step means that I will pass 2 monthes in daily doses…

We shall see the last operations when everything will free!
Now I need to find another Sunday's gonzo subject… I'm going to think about it.


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