
No we Kant

Here it comes! Baccalauréat began yesterday.
Traditionally this litany of tests opens with philosophy and I don't know why it's still one of the most impressive events for the degree students.

I mean, after all this is not the most important matter (not even for Literarian bac), no one knows the lessons (must I say that we have only 2 hours a week during 10 monthes to learn how to think but we have learned to calculate from the past 15 years), but everyone remembers it! Even me! I remember my evaluation (8/20 while I was all year between 12 and 16) but I do not remember my others evaluations neither my final average...

No, in fact, I also remember my evaluation in French as I've been 2 times in the 2nd secondary-year so the first time I pass the test (Giraudoux's Electre for the oral exam and an average of 16 so full points for the rest) and I had to repass it the second time (11 at the written exam and 9 at the oral exam on a Montesquieu's text... an author we hadn't worked during the year and an examiner who doesn't listen to me... with her colleagues entering the room to speak whit her interrupting me without respect for my situation... I keep a big bitterness...).

So the menu this year:

- Can we prove a scientific hypothesis? (Literarian... is this not the very principle of science?)

- Is culture distroting man? (Scientific... do you know Rousseau?)

- Is freedom threatened by equality? (Social-economical... ''My freedom ends where becomes the others's freedom'' and not the reciprocity... hey, Montesquieu!)

- Is art less necessary than science? (Social-economical... it looks like the questions from design students: art is useless therefore essential, design has to be required)

- Is self-control depends upon self-knowledge? (Music and dance techniques... basically: are you able to make your job if and only if you know all about you?)
Is happiness a matter of luck? (Literarian overseas)

- Can we be happy in solitude? (Socio-economical... uh, when you're alone you have to depresse? And if you're unemployed you just have to hang yourself?).

Hey, the bac was the old good time!!


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