
1905 Law

On 1905 December 09 a law proposed by Aristide Briand is voted to act the separation of theFrench State and the catholic Churches: ''The Republic ensures freedom of consciousness. It guarantees the free exercise of religions in the interest of the public order.'' [Art.1 translated by myself]

So the clergy has no longer direct influence in the public policies, France becomes lay! I do want to reiterate that it's an exception since there are only two states separated from a religious power in European Union: France and Portugal!
Therefore a part of France does not apply this law and ensures the catholic religion with public money (because of the treaty to reintegrate Alsace in France), this is a law and not a constitutional principle, and the President of the French Republic is nammed ''unique honorary canon'' of Saint-John of Latran... since Henry IV (King of France in the sixteenth century) and more since René Coty restarted the tradition in 1957. Nothing prevents them to refuse, but since then every President in the fifth Republic regime have accepted the tittle (Mitterand and Hollande accepted but refused to receive it, well that's a point).

Google didn't done a doodle for this celebraiton, that's logical as they have their own religion in transhumanism, they would not celebrate the loss of a religious influence.
Nobody on Facebook changed his profil picture for a Je suis Laïc, happily cause I should have seen it quite agressive.
Just heard one word about it on the national french radio this morning.

So nobody gives a sh... about that?
We are in hard times between terrorism based on religious arguments, triumphant neo-fascism party surfing on this cultic hateness, our so-called ''war'' of civilizations (France didn't bombed ISIS in Yemen... not enough oil) and soon, I do believe we need more os laicity.
I'm hurted in my laicity (rhaaa, I'm writing a journalistic editorial!).

The same deputy wrote a treaty for the League of Nations in 1928 to make war illegal! Unhappily this treaty did not survive the 1929 financial crisis (we all now the consequences, these ones we fear to relive in a short time).

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