
Job search gonzo mood

Maybe you know how it is hard to find a job today?
Even Benoît Genuini, mediator for Pôle Emploi (french new employment help consortium), finds it so complicated that he resigned (I deduct he'll join the Pôle Emploi to find a new post?) a few weeks before the labour day.

Image : http://www.aumabre.fr/a/4/entretien_avec_benoit_genuini.html

Friend of Martin Hirsch (himself outgoing of his high commissioner's attribution for the Youth and the Active solidarities against poverty in March to develop his new agency of civic service), he handed his annual report on March 12th in which was raised dysfunctions from fusion between national agency for employment and national association for unemployment allocations and asked for "more common sense and humanity".

Image : http://culnezgondesupertarte.wordpress.com/2010/01/21/le-pole-emploi-ma-foi/

"The general management did not see the interest of my report because they accept badly any shape of criticism" in Thursday's Figaro and decided to leave, more of that, to "slam the door" as this resignation have been mediatized (just in time when Nicolas Sarkozy tried to persuade in his willingness by asking social partners and local authorities to finance unemployment allocations for a few monthes… until elections ?).

Right, bad weather for the job search!
This is the context in which I decide to publish Sunday's notes about my tuba restoration (yes I need hard shoulders to fin a post in this context).
Do not miss this gonzo job research!

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