
Let's stop speaking football?

After the football series let's stay in sport (it's the summertime… time to move yourself) and let's have some fresh air in mountains, olympic mountains!

O.K., we still have small patriotic fights (especially if you see the event on television) but I believe that olympic supporters are not football hooligans. And moreover we can see more friendships between sportsmen and sportwomen on the edge of tracks than on the green grounds…

So, last week the C.I.O. have selected the cities which can carry their application for a choice on 2011 July 6th (their candidacies have been validated by experts). 3 were in the run and 3 were accepted:

Annecy, choosen to represent France in 2009 (in front of Grenoble, Nice and Pelvoux) and supported by Geneva;

Munich (Germany) which had organized the summer Olympic Games in 1972 and would be the first city to organize the summer AND winter olympiads (even if this application is more around Garmisch-Partenkirchen - 1936 winter Olympics);

Pyeongchang (South Korea) which was already renewed for 2010 (Vancouver) and 2014 (Sochi) so that is has point before the others.

We know that this organization is estimated at more than 2 billions of euro but I don't know how much cost the 2 campaigns (for candidacy then nomination) which spreads out over more than 3 years.

Will design have a place in these projects ? For the moment I got a touch with the Annecy organizers but unsuccessfully. May I contact the others ?

Waiting for thisdecision I shall take time to look at details on these applications, their communication, and obviously the place for the design in their projects.


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