
What a Shame!

I'm so sorry to see this blog empty for a week

It's summertime, the hot one, so I have a lot of trouble to work (I'm living under the roof so I'm in an oven somedays as it's impossible to work).

In fact an architects group proposed me to work with them answering calls for markets. They were late so I've worked for it.

And today started a week runing in administrations to redo my cases, some were incomplete, some were waiting for files.
And some were waiting for files from another administration waiting for files from the first one. As a service of the URSSAF (social security payments) waiting a files from the social security fund which needed a paper from another service of the URSSAF. When you know that you have the solution (it took me 1 month to understand what was blocked).

So I do not promise to take back a regular activity here at once.

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