
Dreamjobs: 6 - Prostitute tester

Do you like the sexy jobs? It's a good way to start the week, isn't it?

Afetr the paradise island, the paradise girls to make-up, the paradise girls to seduce, the beds to practice… alone (which is not funny), we'll see more spectacular.
Take a seat, say to the children to go away, here is a job I didin't know it could be: luxury prositute tester!

Yes, there is a man in the world (maybe more?) who (without be a TV producer) will have in his bed some pretty girls. And they will not come in for a sudoku game!

Jaime Rascone will be the last jury for Fiorella Companions in Santiago, Chile. It's a VIP escort girls agency and it's searching for new girls. It's a serious selection with motivation interviews, psychological testing, photoshooting.

But the C.E.O. is a woman so she need a man to be sure that her new girls will be so good that they seem to be so she took this DJ to "practice" the last selectionned girls.

 He will fuck the 6 last girls to evaluate them. 6 in the same day, I can imagine how hard could be this work if he goes to be daily (but I'm sure that no one would ask for more hollidays in this job).

Next job?


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