
Happy 2016 Year!

That's not the first time I wait til the last day of January to introduce my greatings, like a ritual to ward off fate: despite the end of the dedicated time my greatings will cover the whole year and will tacitly renew themselves each month!
I went in the "non-greatings" til not making a card for these, but using a serie of "artistic" cards:

Yvan TEYPAZ, 2016 : 19 21 ex.018/100
19 21 is a representative title. It's a fabric piece from 19th century (an ecclesiastical clothes) used for 21th century cards.
A stuff green like hope, with a floral ornament because that's what we should aspire, aleatorly cut as everyone can make it what he want to make it, and I kept the random disturbing elements (seams, son...) so that each card is absolutely unique.
I had this idea in my head for a while and the new year has been the opportunity to make it real.

2016 is a year full of anniversaries: my "10-year career" (maybe more the 10 years of my diploma?), the 10 years of Amfifanfare, the 15 years of GrandMACHINChose, the 130 years of La Saint-Clair, so I will celebrate this year several times!
And I hope it will be full of beautiful projects.


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