
Yes We Cat

That's my new mousepad (cat, mouse, humour, haha).

Because I have a new job (I say job as it's a short-term part-time) in an association for which I'll do administrative task, communication and events. A part-time so I can continue the lesson I teach for 2 years, and maybe look for replacements.
It's a "helped job" [a non-commercial accompanied contract to be fair]. That's the system the government decided to stop without notice at the beginning of August. I signed at the end of July, you can imagine how I feld!
BUT why did they stopped these contracts that allow associations to survive and local authorities to offer social services? The RĂ©union department had to retard the back-to-school day as a lot of contracts has been declined by the State!

My proto-marxist way of thinking would write that this is a simple calls revenge: rich people do not accept that the State helps poor people to survive so they overhelm them (this decision came just after the one on less housing helps and more social taxation on old people). That's a kind of logic: they were well-born so there is no reason that State gives money to others people than themselves, who don't need money but who want more and more.

I do hope that a government doesn't fully justifiy with so little.
The official reason is that this system "costs" and "isn't effective in the fight against unemployment". Because the CICE which has been directly repaid in dividends has been effective in creating jobs?
In fact this kind of jobs isn't on the stock market, so they don't give quick dividends. And I really think that's the main problem.
We do know that school and hospitals are being privatized. Is there a global project to make profit with the precarity?

If it's a problem of efficiency why remove this "crutch" BEFORE any proposal against unemployment?
Thanks Oba... hee, no: Thanks Macron!

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