
French National Radio Interviews

I'm listening like every day and all the day-long FranceInter the french national radio.
Let's forget about why and carry on my goal. For years now I've been asking myself what was the plurality of this network. Mostly in the breakfast broadcast (which is the more successfull in France. And even more this yeart so... I wanted to count it!

That's not a scientific method, I'm not a profesional and I just do it (and whaaaat it's hard to keep it when I'm connecting less than once a week on my computer).
First critic I'm not respecting the groups of the Parliement to count the politician families. For example the MoDem (center-right party) is supporting the governement so I count every person from this party like one from the President's party.
I don't count depending on what people say, only regarding the politician family they assume. So someone from Le Figaro daily newspaper give me a ? in the Diverses right parties but a cineast/videast/documentarist is in none column.

So no, it's not perfect, I would be interested to see an observatory counting more precisely than me (maybe the CSA which is the one counting for ethic time in medias during elections?).
So here is the entiere list since they started the actual season:

There are 3 interviews: the first one during the 5-7:00 broadcast, a special guest by one journalist, and the great interview by two of them. That's not more informative but I can see it better.
I surely can see better that the radio I listen every day is not counting better than me depending on the groups at the Parliement!

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