
Teaching with distance

The young me wanted a lesson by the CNED [National Center for Distance Education] but I stopped early because I had to send my homework and I received... generic answers! One example could be the criticize about something missing when I've done this thing so you don't understand your engagement and I'm sorry Mommy you paid but I didn't ended it...

Now I have to teach by myself. Oftenly I'm using lessons other teachers let on the web and sometimes I'm using some booklets I've bought.

For example I've made a lesson to teach the main lines to draw a technical sketch using a booklet so I don't have to make every picture from blanck (so I gain time as I don't have enough of it) and I make the lesson my way with these pictures.

First question: why the examples in the very firsts lessons are not the same? When you have to make it clear for everyone? Is it a choice to change from an example to another? Or may the first example not good for the second lesson so you just change it?

Then it comes worst.

If you don't know all views have to be aligned: the floor is the same for the face viewx than for a side one and of course the height has to stay the same.

You can use a 45° line to verify from a side view to the top view (okay this is the sense we use in a lot of countries but not in every deal with it). I want to keep the same example from the first lesson so I have to draw the 45° line by myself. And it doesn't reach the face correctly!!

Why don't you respect the rules you've done yourself in the previous lesson? Do you expect students to learn well like that? With wrong examples?

In case you think that's just because I didn't finish the picture I have to say no, just take a look at what it is when finished:

and here is what it should be:

I've lost a few hours re-doing that. I benefited this time to add some points that will be usefull. Of course I made myslef a mistake with a detail too big (well that's not really a mistake but it would have been easier to understand if smaller) Well, too late, I'll remake this next year!


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