
Less-on #3

That's the third year I aks my students a work on a part of the history of design and each year there are a few candies.
There were not a lot of bad surprises this year, I would say they did a lot of good work, losing a little in the synthesis and some layout failures despite my (wise!) advices like a text block with a background colour out of nowhere regarding the booklet, or like images arranged to fill the blank ont eh last page when all the other pages were well balanced:

Then some people hope that they can have a better grade by flattering me:

"I thank you to put this name in the proposal mister teacher of design." I wasn't excpeting this!

Each time I say my students I prefer images than too much text. Buuuut, and as I wrote this year was a good one, some are able to give you the envy to read all the text just by the quality of their presentation:


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